Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Story Behind the Name

First of all, you should know that I may have purely decided to start a blog for my mission because I really wanted a cute background with yellow chevrons- Check √
 Another fun fact: Finding Nemo is MY MOST FAVORITIST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. So therefore when deciding on a blog title, I wanted something Nemo related and also a cute picture of Nemo or Dory with a missionary name tag cuz wouldn't that just be the greatest thing you've ever seen?? - don't mock-it's a great moral story about finding "home" and also Dory and I are practically one in the same with memory problems. 
Now for a more serious explanation: aside from the cutest pictures to ever exist… Finding Seekers relates with my purpose as a missionary for Christ.. If there's another thing you should know about me it is that I am a far cry from a salesman… I couldn't sell you a magazine if my life depended on it. I used to think that is what other people (including myself) thought of LDS missionaries- in fact it's one of the things that kept me from deciding to serve for the longest time. Then I realized that missionary work is far from "selling" the Gospel. At least to me, I have learned missionary work is finding the people who are ready to hear the Gospel and wanting and looking for answers. Being set apart as a missionary can help me be in tune with the Spirit to search as hard for them as they are for this. 
 It's about finding the seekers. 

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