Sunday, July 27, 2014

What did the volcano say?

July 27, 2014
Sister Brown and Sister Abeling
"I Lava You!!  hahahahhah there's your corny joke for the week!"

Alecia is doing fabulous in the MTC. She and her companion, Sister Brown, have been called as Sister Training Leaders (STL)! She shared a funny story about how that came about:

“Sister Brown and I were both talking on Sunday with some of the elders and they said, "Ya know, the other sisters are leaving the MTC, which means there’s a good chance you'll get called as STLs."

“I said, ‘Don't you dare Elder’ (as if he had the power to call me for that). Well, the Lord is a funny man – guess who tapped me on the shoulder THAT very second, yep, the Branch President. Never say never, kids. Never. So, he took us aside and asked if we would be willing to be STLs.” [STLs are responsible for all the sisters in the zone, “Right now it’s just the ASL sisters and three other English speaking sisters.” They make sure the sisters are doing well and know they can always go to the STLs if they need anything. The STLs report back to the branch presidency; all to ensure the missionaries are well taken care of!] 

“So, as he asks us, I'm still laughing at God and I respond wittily, "Yes, I'm ready, willing and Abe— (I pull my hair from covering my badge and I'm sure he’ll get my witty joke and guess what’s NOT there! This kid forgot her badge!!!! and IN FRONT OF THE BRANCH PRESIDENT)!  Talk about the Lord's sense of humor and humbling moments. I just kept laughing, I don't think he noticed since the millisecond I realized my badge wasn't there, I pulled my hair back over to cover where my badge SHOULD have been. Hahaha!  I haven't forgotten it since!” J

This week, Alecia said she bought a separate Book of Mormon just so she could mark it up. She said, “If I have to share my Book of Mormon and Bible combo set with people they won’t have a seizure from all the colors, underlines, sticky notes and stick figures I draw in the margins as visual aids…haha! (Love the Book of Mormon!)” 
Sister Abeling
and Sister Cummings
Alecia saw Sister Kayla Cummings at the MTC!  Was great for them both to see someone from home, even though the Cummings no longer live here!
She didn't get to do an ASL session in the temple yet but she says, “I LOVE the temple it was my favortie part of the week last week (after emailing you all of course) J -- we go in the afternoon on P-days!”

 "Because of Him" video is a MUST watch!!” We will try to share it on Facebook so you all can watch!

I love you all and I think about you daily!! I hope to keep hearing from you all! Have the best week and stay happy!

Sister Abeling 

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